Sunday, October 4, 2015

How Did You Use Your Gift?

It is judgment day.  You stand before your Creator making a case for all the sins you did not commit and explaining your reasons for the sins you did.

You speak of the good will toward others and how effectively you used faith, hope, charity and love to the best of your ability. You state that you have lived according to the Ten Commandments and feel very strongly that your place should be secure within the gates of the Holy Kingdom.

However, as you stand before your Creator, his enthusiasm doesn’t seem to match yours. You are quite surprised as this is not what you were expecting since you had lived your life according to his principles. You search your thoughts seeking more situations which give you the leverage you need to finalize your entry into the Kingdom, however, none come forward. As you stand before the Creator, you question why your entry isn’t automatic. Then the Creator speaks.

“My Beloved, all of the things you have mentioned are true. Your sins have never been a concern as I know what my children will do before they consider doing it. Speaking on faith, hope, charity and love, there isn’t a question that you did well, I’m happy that you feel good about your accomplishments. Yes, you followed the Ten Commandments and you lived according to them and that is highly commendable. You have lived by what was written and that is good.

However, the question I’m about to ask you has brought a sense of confusion to many of my children and they seem quite astonished that the question is asked. When I ask this question, I am asking so that I can better understand how you handle your “free will.” I give you free will so that I am not controlling. I never want to control my children as that is not being a good parent and as I am your Creator, I truly want all my children to know, that I am here for their guidance, however, I will never dictate your decisions. I leave you to make your own decisions and if you need me, I am always here for you.”

“With all of that said My Beloved, there is still one question that has to be asked of you and that is “how did you use the gift I gave you?” “I gave you a gift that was created especially for you. Yes, you did live your life according to the principles of the Kingdom. Yes, you followed the Ten Commandments and you were strong in your faith. However, did you realize that the gift I gave you to use was a gift that would have helped more people than you could have ever imagined. Your gift would have given joy and comfort in the highest and lowest places. Your gift would have changed the lives of people you would have never met. Your gift would have been used for generations. Your gift would have meant so much to me if you had used it. Yet, my beloved, you were afraid to use your gift. You were afraid to take the risk of stepping out on faith for you. You were afraid to test the laws of success for you. You hid under the guise of helping others, while your gift remained unused. You did not trust that the gift I gave to you was to be used while you were on earth.”

“You and I both know that you allowed fear, doubt and worry to stop you from using your gift. Yes, what you accomplished by helping others was a good thing and it is not being overlooked. However, the real issue is that the gift I gave you to use was left behind and with that a lot of what had been planned was also left behind. So, only you can answer the question “why didn’t you use the gift I gave you?”

How Did You Use Your Gift?

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