Thursday, August 16, 2012

Guide to Fine Tune Your Website to Make it Search Engine Friendly

Once your website is hosted, you need to use various SEO tools to ensure that your website is structured well for the search engines to index your website properly. Google Webmasters Tools is a good tool to start with.

Once you have ensured the above, you need to popularize or market the website. You start by submitting the URL of your website(s) with the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. You can also register your website with Alexa and Jayde.Web CEO has some free tools to fine tune your website from SEO perspective.

Then you need to submit your website with various web directories to attract users and increase your website's ranking with Google and other search engines. If possible, you can buy some software like AceBit's Hello Engines professional. This software will do auto and manual submission of your website(s) to various internet web directories and search engines.

Other option to popularize your website is by advertising. Examples are Google AdWords or advertising with Yahoo and Bing. You can also opt for email marketing.

Advanced SEO strategies:

Ensure that your website has the proper keywords in place. Proper title, Meta tag, robots.txt and XML sitemap also plays an important role for some search engine rankings. "Scrub the web" provides one of the best tools in the market to check the meta tag, key word density etc. within your website.

The key to a decent Google page rank is normally a good number of relevant one way links to your website from other websites (Around 1000+ links should be decent enough - but again if the links are from renowned and relevant websites, then a much lower number can also be termed as decent).

Be sure to have the anchor text in place when building the links to your website (else, though the search engine finds the link to your website, but it will have no clue as to which are the keyword(s) for which your website was given the link in the first place. Two examples of links with appropriate anchor text are as follows:

Example 1: (this is the suggested Anchor Text - In the example "Top Web Hosting Services" is the keyword)

title=Top Web Hosting Services [type your website URL here ]Top Web Hosting Services

Example 2:

[url=type your website URL here]Top Web Hosting Services[/url]

If you are looking at gaining a high Google page rank for your website and if you have the funds for advanced marketing, you can also consider article marketing, submitting your website to Yahoo directory (Paid) and DMOZ (it's free but takes time to be listed), blogging, forum posting etc. There are many tools that help you in automating these steps but most of them are expensive. But yes some of these tools do work and help you get a decent Page rank!

A point to be noted is that if your website is new, sometimes Google sandbox the website for a while and during this period you might not see a good Page rank (or Zero Page rank) assigned to your website by Google. This is normal and nothing to panic. You just need to patiently wait for 6-8 months till Google assigns your website the Page rank that it deserves. (Point to be noted - "Zero Page" rank is different from "No Page Rank").
Finally, you can blog about your website's services and products in some of the popular blogs.

Happy hosting!

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