Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All India Road Trip by Car - Sajit

Route by Road [http://routebyroad.com] is my personal blog and travelogue website. I will start on a lone (solo) All India Road Trip on October 27, 2012 driving my car across India from Bangalore to Rameshwaram; and then from Rameshwaram to Jammu via the west coast of India and then back to Bangalore via central India. I will cover a distance of around 10,000 KMs across 15 Indian States. I will be capturing the day to day account of my travel along with the travel photographs and video.

The Primary intention of this travel is to understand the rich culture and heritage of India and also to discover myself. Also, I do plan to thoroughly document this road trip on my website along with photographs and videos to help other likeminded travelers.

I will have a lot of adventure and so can you if you keep a track of my blog. If you want to reach me, please drop a mail to webmaster@routebyroad.com.

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