Thursday, April 30, 2015

Travel Protect Yourself from Carjackers

You’ve seen it played out on television programs: a “bad guy” fleeing the police (good guy) commanders a car or truck being driven by an unsuspecting driver at gunpoint or knifepoint at an intersection; or a “bad guy” lays in wait and takes the keys away from a person who is unlocking their parked car sometimes the “bad guy” takes the person as well as the car.

We are all vulnerable to carjackers all the time, but we’re even more vulnerable when we are traveling. Locals know what areas to avoid, but travelers don’t. There are things that we can all do all the time whether we’re on our own home turf or halfway across the country.

1. Keep your car doors locked and your windows rolled up. If you must stop, lower windows only about 1 inch.

2. When you stop behind another car, leave enough room so that you can maneuver around the car if you need to. It’s an old carjacker’s trick. The driver in front of you stops, and the driver behind you forces you out of the car and takes the car or takes both you and the car.

3. Drive in the center lane.

4. Don’t stop to assist a driver who has a car problem. Call the police and report a stranded motorist.

5. Park in well-lighted areas.

6. Have your keys in your hand when you approach your parked car. If you see a suspicious character loitering near your car, go back into the store and

ask a store employee to walk with you to your car.

BUT, if you are being victimized by a carjacker, give him the keys to your car. It’s not worth your life.

Travel Protect Yourself from Carjackers

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