Sunday, May 10, 2015

What to Look for When Seeking the Best Windows Hosting

Article Source: Web Hosting Services – [Website:]


When choosing the best windows hosting, there are several things you have to keep in mind. The fact is that although windows may be one of the better choices today, not all windows hosting are the same. Following are some tips on how to make your choice.


There are basically two hosting versions from Windows: 2003 and 2008. The 5 year gap in between says a lot when it comes to the efficiency of the system. Obviously, opt for the 2008 version since this has less bugs and better improvements.


This is crucial – you want to make sure that your domain remains safe from third parties and any other programs that might cause you to go offline. Look for a windows hosting system with a security that goes beyond the basic. This is because windows are the most popular option today – making it a target for many. Don’t just settle for garden-variety protection, find a server that delivers the best!


Check out the different features of the Windows hosting service. The beauty of Windows is that it’s versatile like Linux without being too expensive like Mac OS. Keep in mind what kind of settings you’ll be using when choosing features as this varies from one domain to another.


What kind of support can the Windows hosting service provide should you suffer from any problems? This is crucial since you want to experience as little downtime as possible. The hosting service should be available 24 hours a day and accessible through multiple means.


It’s perfectly normal for Windows hosting to suffer from downtime, but it should be as limited as possible! Downtime from your host should be scheduled, mostly for maintenance purposes.

To wrap it up, choosing a Windows hosting service depends largely on what you need. Don’t forget to make comparisons before eventually signing up for a service. If you need more information, please do leave a comment or contact the site admin via the contact page. I will be more than happy to assist with any advice.

What to Look for When Seeking the Best Windows Hosting

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