Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cruise Ship Destination Port - Things of Historical Interest in Nassau

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

Things To See In Nassau

One of the ports that many cruise ships have as part of their itinerary is the Bahamian town of Nassau. It is a small place but there is plenty to see here. If you choose to get off your cruise ship and want to take a walk around the area, you will discover that there are some great historical monuments to see. Here are just a few of the sites that you will see that are within walking distance from the harbour.

The first thing you will want to do is to pick up a free map from the Port Authority Building. This is the building that everyone has to walk through that opens out into Nassau. All the points of interest are highlighted on these maps for your convenience.

Things of Historical Interest in Nassau

Queens Staircase

If you follow the map and walk along Elizabeth Avenue you will find yourself at one of the main sites of historical interest in Nassau. This is called the Queens Staircase. This is a set of stairs that were cut into the limestone hill by slaves. Sixty six stairs were created which lead up to Fort Fincastle, the fort that was used to protect the island from foreign invasion. Sixty five of the steps now remain. They are very narrow and very steep but you are sure to feel a sense of achievement once you have climbed up them all.

Fort Fincastle

Fort Fincastle is a ship shaped structure that was completed in 1793. It was constructed by Governor Lord Dunmore and overlooks Nassau, Paradise Island and the eastern approaches to the island of New Providence. The design of the Fort was created so that potential enemies would think that it was a large ship from a distance which would hopefully deter them from attacking the island. There are several cannons that have survived over the centuries including two 12 pounder cannons and one Howitzer.

Fort Fincastle used to serve as a lighthouse until 1817, when a new lighthouse was built on Paradise Island. You can take a short guided tour which lasts about 15 minutes and costs only $1. Once you are inside you will see the fantastic views of the town. On a lovely clear day, you will be able to spot your cruise ship in the distance and produce some wonderful landscape photographs.

Water Tower

Opposite Fort Fincastle you will see the Water Tower. It is 126 feet tall and is known as the highest point in Nassau. This is also a great place to see spectacular views of the whole city. It was built in 1928 as a water supply reservoir for the surrounding area.

Once you have spent a little bit of time taking in these historical buildings, you can choose to return to the Queens Staircase and head back down the stairs. This also provides a great photo opportunity. You can then take a look at the wonderful crafts that have been hand made by the sellers in the area. You can pick up artwork, bags and hats that have been hand woven and even statues hand crafted from wood.

Cruise Ship Destination Port - Things of Historical Interest in Nassau

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