Monday, April 27, 2015

How Travel has Changed

World travelers were once a rare breed. People were born, lived, and died in the same general area. There were usually several generations of a family living within a few miles of one another. The ease, convenience, and efficiency of travel have changed all of that. While “leaving home” was a rarity just a hundred years ago, not leaving home today has become the rarity.

We’ve become a nation of travelers. We begin traveling at a young age and never get over our desire to see new places, meet new people, and experience new cultures. It seems that the entire world has developed a case of wanderlust!

Families and individuals travel the world today because travel is easy and relatively cheap (although prices are rising dramatically now because of the increase in oil prices). A long time ago, people walked where they wanted to go or they rode a horse or a mule.

After bicycles were invented, travel got easier, but still people didn’t go far. Trains were invented and tracks were laid, and travel got a little easier and faster. Cars were invented and have been steadily improved over the years. Highways have improved dramatically. Air planes were invented and while air travel was once rare, it is now very common not to mention fast.

With so many changes made to our ability to travel in such a short period of time, do you ever wonder what the future of travel might hold? Where we once thought a “trip” of a few miles was a major undertaking, we have now seen men walk on the moon. We now are sending deep-space probes (unmanned so far) out there looking at planets and solar systems beyond our own. What’s next? Nobody knows, but “Beam me up, Scotty” could become a real possibility!

How Travel has Changed

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