Monday, April 27, 2015

Spring Break Travel

It’s like a national ritual. Every year, thousands and thousands of young people, those who have just graduated high school and those in college, take a spring break vacation. The purpose of a spring break vacation is to go on one long party vacation with friends. The idea is, it seems, to throw caution to the wind and party hardy.

But throwing caution to the wind isn’t a good plan. Believe it or not, just because you are young (and beautiful) doesn’t make you ten feet tall and bulletproof. It doesn’t excuse you from following the laws just like the mere mortals.

Here are five tips for spring break travelers:

1. If you are planning on going to a foreign country for your spring break vacation, take the time to learn the basic laws and customs of that country. When you arrive in a foreign country, you are governed by the laws of that country.

2. Remember that when you engage in risky behavior (alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex, etc.) you are betting your future. Risky and illegal behavior can land you in jail in a foreign country or worse a lot worse.

3. Stay in touch with your family at home. Believe it or not, good ole mom and dad will do whatever they can do to help you if you get in a jam but they can’t help you if they don’t know where you are.

4. You are a guest in a foreign country. YOU are the foreigner. If you act arrogant or superior to the local residents, you can get into a lot of trouble.

5. If you rent and drive any vehicle in a foreign country, you will be subject to the laws of the road in that country. You need to find out what those laws are.

Basically remember this: Spring break is a time out from school, but it is NOT a time out from the world and all of the dangers in it. Go! Have fun! But be safe!

Spring Break Travel

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