Monday, April 27, 2015

The Lighter Side of Travel Insurance

I guess that travel insurance could be considered a pretty dull topic. I must admit that it isn’t the most exciting subject to discuss, but there are some lighter moments. I won’t vouch for the authenticity of the following stories, but they COULD have happened!

Monkeying Around

A group of mischievous monkeys worked together to ruin a couple’s romantic trip to Malaysia. Because of high temperatures, the couple left the windows of their chalet open while they went out to see the sights. They deeply regretted their decision when they returned to the chalet to find their clothes and belongings all over the surrounding resort and the adjacent rainforest. Fortunately, the young couple’s insurance company was understanding, and it paid the claim immediately so the couple didn’t have to keep wearing the same clothes for the rest of their trip!

Look Out Below!

One family’s camping trip went sadly wrong when a parachutist from the airbase near their camp site missed his target and landed right on the family tent. The family’s camping equipment was ruined, and they were, unfortunately, not covered for accidental damage, so they had to foot the bill themselves.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Apparently, travel insurance doesn’t cover stupidity. A man who claimed on his travel insurance policy after he was refused entry to his flight had his claim firmly rejected. Why? Well, it seems that this confused soul was trying to board a flight from Manchester to the North West of England, but his ticket was for Manchester, New Hampshire, in the good old USA.

The Sky Is Falling!

Well, maybe not the sky but it was coconuts. A traveler got a concussion when a coconut fell from a tree in Sri Lanka. She was knocked out cold. Now maybe that sounds unlikely until you stop to consider that a coconut weighs nearly 4 pounds, and a coconut tree stands almost a hundred feet tall. That weight falling from that height means that the coconut was traveling at about 53 miles an hour when it struck the

woman. The travel insurance company reimbursed her for $812.82.

The Lighter Side of Travel Insurance

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