Monday, April 27, 2015

Travel - Bed and Breakfast Accommodations

It is really a lot of fun to stay at bed and breakfast locations when you travel. Most people find that staying at a bed and breakfast is a lot more fun than staying at a hotel or motel. Staying at bed and breakfast locations gives travelers the opportunity to really experience local culture, as well. However, there are questions that you need to ask and get answers to before you reserve accommodations at a bed and breakfast.

Does the bed and breakfast allow children? Now, you will want this question answered whether you actually have children or not. Children who are in a strange place are usually more agitated than usual. They can be cranky. Babies cry. If these things bother you, then it’s best for you to find a bed and breakfast that does not allow children.

Are pets allowed? Here again, you want this question answered whether you are planning on taking a pet with you or not. Some people are allergic to pet dander and would certainly not be comfortable staying at a bed and breakfast where other guests had pets. Some people are afraid of animals, as well.

What is the policy about guests of the bed and breakfast facility having visitors? If you are going to visit family, you might want to invite them to visit you in your accommodations.

Is the drinking of alcoholic beverages allowed at the bed and breakfast? If you like having an evening cocktail, you won’t be happy to learn that drinking alcohol is not allowed. On the other hand, if you are a teetotaler, you won’t be happy is alcohol is permitted.

Is smoking permitted? If you do smoke and it is not permitted, you won’t be happy. If you don’t smoke or hate cigarette smoke and smoking is permitted, you won’t be happy.

Ask these questions and read the fine print on the bed and breakfast websites before you make reservations.

Travel - Bed and Breakfast Accommodations

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