Monday, April 27, 2015

Travel - Hiking Vacations

There are a great many beautiful and exotic locations on this planet that are best visited using the most ancient of all methods of transportation your own two feet. You cannot experience the sounds of a rippling stream in an otherwise silent canyon or know what the rustle of fall leaves really sound like without the background noises of civilization.

It is truly mentally and emotionally healing to stand still and look at the world as our ancestors must have seen it pure and unspoiled. It is exhilarating to deeply inhale air that is scented by pine and honeysuckle (that didn’t originate in a spray can) rather than by exhaust fumes. There are sights and sounds and smells that cannot be experienced while traveling down a freeway at 70 miles per hour or flying high above the land in a jetliner.

You can get a lot of good walking exercise by visiting Disneyland, but you won’t get the spiritual healing that you can get by walking in the remote wilderness. Can you imagine silence? Probably not if you live in our modern, busy, and noisy world.

You can find hiking vacations in just about every state in the Union and in every nation on earth that isn’t at war. You can see and experience the world as it once was. You can visit a remote, water-filled oasis hidden in a Utah slick rock canyon, or a Native American village tucked into a far corner of the Grand Canyon.

You can find a hiking travel package that will fill your needs and coincide with your level of fitness. There are hiking tours that are relaxing and easy walks along the shores of a lake, exhilarating treks through the mountains, and everything in between.

Travel - Hiking Vacations

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