Monday, April 27, 2015

Planning for Family Travel

When adults travel individually or in pairs, there are certain “givens.” Adults aren’t likely to ask “how much further is it” every five minutes or need to eat/drink/use bathroom facilities every half-hour. Adults are, well, adults. They’ve traveled before, and they pretty much know what to expect. Kids, however, don’t.

If you ask a child, “would you like to go see Grandma and Grandpa?” the answer would be an enthusiastic “YES.” But if you ask the same child if they would like to sit in the back seat of a moving vehicle for six hours, the answer wouldn’t be an enthusiastic “YES.” Planning for family travel takes real planning, and even on short trips, kids need to be entertained.

The time lapse between departure and arrival when families travel can either be part of the fun or a nightmare. The difference is in the planning.

Contrary to the generally held opinion, kids don’t really like surprises. Kids prefer the familiar, where they feel safe and where they pretty much know what is going to happen next. So much of the planning for family travel means preparing the children for what to expect during the travel.

Don’t plan to entertain the kids with food and drink. When food and drink is provided, there is a chain reaction, and the next thing that’s needed is a potty break.

Do pack books, games, and toys that the children are familiar with. Don’t rush out and buy a lot of new “stuff.” Some children have a favorite pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal that brings them comfort at home. Pack it, and don’t put it in the bottom of a suitcase that is in the trunk of the car or in the cargo hold of an airplane.

When the kids are relaxed and happy, family travel can be fun for everybody!

Planning for Family Travel

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