Monday, April 27, 2015

Preparing for Worry-Free Travel

Travel is supposed to be fun if you are traveling for pleasure, and it is supposed to be at least hassle-free if you are traveling for business. The secret for fun and hassle-free travel lies in the preparation for travel. Worry-free travel doesn’t happen by accident.

To enjoy worry-free travel, start by making air and accommodation reservations as early as possible. The earlier you can make reservations, the wider the choices are, and often making reservations early can save you some serious bucks as well.

Don’t make your schedule too tight. Leave yourself plenty of time to “stop and smell the roses” along the way. The idea isn’t to see just how much you can cram into a 24-hour period if you are traveling for pleasure or just how many meetings you can attend if you are traveling for business. Add a day add two but make travel as easy as possible.

Pack light but completely. Be sure to take rain gear and warm clothes if they’re going to be needed.

Anticipate your needs. Get any medications filled, and be certain that the labeling is correct. Unlabeled medications can cause a lot of headaches and delays. Also be sure that you take enough of all of your prescription medications with you for the duration of the trip and add a few days’ extra supply. Stuff happens delays happen even with the best-planned trips.

If you are traveling abroad, find out what papers you will need for each country that you plan to visit. Don’t wait until the last minute to find out what kind of vaccinations might be required of you to apply for a passport. Keep your passport and your important papers on your person. Put a copy of them in your suitcase and leave a copy of them with a friend or relative.

Prepare and have a wonderful, worry-free trip!

Preparing for Worry-Free Travel

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