Monday, April 27, 2015

Road Trip!

When we travel for business, we choose the quickest and most time-efficient way to get from where we are to where we need to be. Getting there is not half the fun as a matter of fact, it really isn’t any fun at all, and it isn’t supposed to be. Ah, but travel for pleasure is an entirely different matter. We want to get from where we are to where we want to be, but we want to have as much fun as possible both going there and coming home! Road trip!

Still, the idea of a family road trip can strike fear into the hearts of the bravest of souls. The truth is that a road trip CAN turn into a road nightmare unless adequate planning goes into the trip. If you are having visions of a car interior that bears a remarkable resemblance to the interior of a garbage can, whiny and impatient children, and a grouchy spouse, take heart. Just some simple planning can take a lot of the stress out of a road trip.

Step 1: Plan the trip and allow plenty of stops along the way. Don’t try to cover too many miles in a day. You are all stuck together in a very small space, and nerves can get frayed easily.

Step 2: After all the luggage is packed, add a good supply of kitchen-size trash bags. A group of people can generate a lot of trash. The interior doesn’t have to look like the interior of a garbage can, and you’ll find trash cans to dump the garbage bags at service stations and convenience stores.

Step 3: Plan for and purchase snacks. Go easy on the chocolate. Chocolate is loaded with caffeine and can make children fidgety and nervous. Keep liquids to a minimum. Every body needs to stay hydrated, of course, but drinking means potty breaks.

Step 4: Pack a good supply of premoistened wipes. These can be used to clean hands before meals and will come in really handy if there is an upset tummy.

Road Trip!

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