Monday, May 11, 2015

Maldives - A Traveler"s Account

Article Posted: Best Travel Destinations in the World –


I had been rather ill after having been treated for bilharzias, a bug picked up in the waters of Africa and it attacks the liver. It can also attack other organs and is sometimes deadly if not treated. I had spent so much time fishing and swimming in rivers and lakes it wasn’t a surprise. Unfortunately I had a very bad reaction to the treatment and to cut a long story short my body was in desperate need of some rest and recuperation. I was financially in a position to go where ever I wanted for a break. What could be better than a couple of weeks of snorkelling, eating and relaxing? Not to mention the thoughts of exploring the remarkable menu of cocktails mixed with various alcoholic stimuli! It had to be the Maldives – it was without doubt the ideal destination.

Right where’s the nearest travel agent? I got it all booked and paid for. Tickets? The agent said it would be simple; I could pick them up at the SAA travel desk when I flew from Harare Zimbabwe to Johannesburg South Africa. Then onto the 2 am. flight via Mauritius and on to Male capital of the Maldives.

First rule, nothing is simple. We arrived in the late afternoon went to the designated desk and requested our tickets. Well you would have thought I had asked for the impossible… ticket and they couldn’t find us on the computer! Right, lets remain calm and check again. I asked in my kindest, calmest and clear voice. “Sorry but there must be a mistake, we have paid for the tickets and were informed by our agent that the tickets will be ready for us.”

Well I got a discourteous, disrespectful and uncouth reply from the young man on the other side of the desk. Now taking into account I wasn’t well and was tired and could feel the start of a stress related migraine creeping its nasty way into my head, it was imperative I stay calm. “Excuse me but could you possibly be kind enough to call someone to check?” My obstinate now EX friend replied with an insolent “No!” My mood moved from being controlled yet rather irritated to an explosion of utter rage. This youngster infuriated me with his couldn’t careless attitude which provoked me into cacophony of verbal abuse normally only heard on moves or in rap music. It had something to do with climbing over the desk to rearrange his office and his face. By this time my girlfriend thought it best to go and find help, possibly out of fear, embarrassment or self-preservation. Enter a security guard to protect the petrified young man from this crazed tourist. Lucky for all involved the manager arrived in tow with my girlfriend. After a few moments the mood turned from murderous to a relative calm. “I am so sorry sir; your tickets will be handed to you by our agents nearer your flight.” He made apologies for the lack of understanding from his shaken and pale assistant who cowered behind his manager and the security guard.

Right nothing else to do but sit and wait. We sat till midnight and then in waltzed two pretty hostess’s waving tickets. With lightning reflexes my girlfriend shot out of her seat flew across the floor and removed the tickets from the waving hand. She must have said something as they took off in the opposite direction in a flash.

Well the rest of the flight was a blur from a drug induced anti migraine medication. Somewhere along the flight we landed in Mauritius and continued to fly north. I slept rather well and awoke to my first ever views of stunning coral islands all surrounded by white beaches set randomly in an azure sea. One only realizes the magnitude of the archipelago when one flies over miles and miles of these atolls randomly placed in the sapphire seas below. My absorption in natures wonder was interrupted by the intercom conveying the fact we would soon be landing closely followed by the pilot thanking us for flying South African Airlines and updating us on the local time and temperature.

My girlfriend was a very nervous flyer and I gave her the video camera to take video of the islands on the approach, hoping to get her mind away from her fear. It worried until I heard a voice, “umm there’s a boat outside the window!” With that we felt the tires touchdown and the familiar rattling and blast from the engines as we slowed. The airport is a strip in the ocean and one can literally zoom along in a boat through the waters parallel to the runway.

Entering the terminal was a jubilant affair with colored flowers, island music and friendly immigration and customs officials. No delay and then we are gathered of like sheep and given instructions on who goes where to meet the transport to the various atoll hideaways. We were spending our first week on the Ari atoll at the Kuramathi resort, situated on one of the larger islands some 2 hour boat ride away. The transport was a very modern and quick ferry with seating both in and outside. It was amusing to see who sat where as those who were used to heat and direct sunshine sensibly took their seats in the comfortable air-conditioned interior. The English, German and various other European nationalities, all of whom didn’t want to miss a single minute of precious sunshine, removed whatever clothing was allowed and set about immediately working on their tans.

We would later see these poor travelers, glowing a painful red at dinner that evening and as the week progressed they would take on the look of reptiles in various stages of shedding their skin. Ahhhh the results of the young and reckless! We had been cruising for close to an hour through the tranquil seas as we approached our destination. As we got closer the island appeared as if it were a mirage and slowly evolved into the perfect desert island I had always dreamed of, with the exception to the thong of travelers who were part of the dream.

As the ferry approached the landing the depth of the ocean floor came up from the deep to show us the absolute wonders of the coral reef and her menagerie of exquisitely colored marine life. The beauty of all that surrounded us was beyond my wildest dreams, a maritime utopia! This dreamland was temporally interrupted with the staff organizing out walk to the main resort area to register and be shown our island home for the next seven days. The ice cold welcome drink made the mundane more relaxed and within no time we were ushered to our room. By this time the sun had taken its leave and we were ushered into a world of softly lit villa perched above the sea which was lit by underwater lighting. When the porter was giving us the usual run down on the room we may have seemed rude but the ooo’s and ahhhh’s abounded like a child watching its first fireworks display.

The accommodation was nothing short of picture perfect. The king size bed was adorned with flowers in the shape of a heart, a fruit bowl of papaya, bananas, oranges and in the fridge coconut flesh chilled. A separate bar fridge with an impressive array of drinks, three showers and a fabulous veranda which we found in the morning gave us a spectacular view of the sunrise and below a world of underwater splendor.

Before I leap ahead to day two we were tired, hungry and in need of a chilly beverage, preferably with a touch of alcohol! We walked to the main function area through a tropical display of coconut trees and thousands of flowering shrubs. The dining area and bar appeared as if by magic as we rounded a corner.

Rustic luxury gorgeously lit by a million lights, soft romantic music drifted through the humid night and welcomed us to the extravagant world of island splendor. The bar was extended over the water and the under floor lighting displayed huge numbers of tiny fish reeling and whirling their way through a maze of multi colored coral. Our waiter brought a menu of delightful cocktails to peruse. “One strawberry daiquiri and one blue sunset please.” When they arrived they were almost too attractive to drink! But thirst and further probing into the world of cocktail sensations called.

Dinner was a buffet with a display to suit anyone’s pallet and the desert tables, fruit and cheese tables were superb. We slowly made our way through the excellent display and finished with a final nightcap and a stroll back to our bed and a great night’s sleep. There is something special in falling asleep to the sound of waves caressing the reef while one sleeps. As the sun started its systematic rise in the east the room was filled in the amber light by its first rays. Walking out to the balcony the barely credible beauty of where we were surged through me. Our first day in paradise was to begin. From the balcony a stairway led you down to your own platform and ones entry into the world of snorkelling. Adorned in mask and fins I gently lowered myself into the tepid liquid of the Indian Ocean. I was only going to swimming between the villa and the inner reef at this early hour while the rest of the island still remained in bed. I made my way slowly through hordes of small fish which on my approach darted toward the nearest out crop of coral for protection. Angel, butterfly and clownfish danced their marine dance while the occasional Picasso fish went about their never ending gnawing on the coral heads. When I looked up for the first time panic set in! I looked back to see that every villa looked the same and none were numbered from the ocean side! My girlfriend was still in the land of dreams and I had no idea which was our home. I had been drifting through my first underwater exploration with little regard to the gentle thrust of the current as it gave me the sensation of flight. I didn’t realize there were 40 identical villas now waiting for me to make a choice.

I slowly swam from one to the next till I found my towel neatly folded on the landing. Mental note to self; always leave something bright on the railing! Finally back on the landing and a fresh clear water shower before climbing up the stairs and preparing for breakfast and our orientation talk. I was impressed on the emphasis they put on the protection of the reef and the environment as a whole. The guide could not have made it more clear, never step on the coral, don’t break any thing and under no circumstances even attempt to take any souvenir from the natural environment.

Breakfast was an array of fruits, breads and the normal choice of western food. The waiter was helpful and suggested we take extra rolls to feed to the fish off the landing. This turned out to be such fun as the water boiled with countless numbers of small fish all competing for a crumb or two. We thought it was now time for the big adventure through the underwater path to the outside of the surrounding reef. As we left the shallow water and headed through the break in the coral, the world changed. The coral heads were huge and so diverse and the reef gently sloped to the edge as it dropped away into a bottomless world of the deepest blue. The marine life also changed and the fish and surrounds had become equally impressive. Huge schools of Parrot fish a kaleidoscope of amazing color made a cacophony of sound while they gnawed at a huge coral head with the vigor and sound of a chainsaw. Schools of fish were ever present, comfortable in their environment without a thought towards the aliens invading their space. The ocean bed was a forest of colorful corals in numerous forms. The light flickered as the rising sun’s rays were deflected adding to the cabaret of life offered by this miracle of life. We surfaced after what seemed an eternity of underwater pointing and guttural sounds of wonder. “Let’s take a deep breath and dive down the cliff face to see what may be there!” was the excited call from Susan. A few deep breaths and down we went intrepid explorers into the depths, all 7 or 8 feet of it anyway. As we submerged a large shadow past above us and after the initial moment of panic we gazed up to observe the giant manta ray as it glided overhead and disappeared into the deep blue like a ghost. The adrenalin rush from that apparition was soon amplified when moments later we had our first encounter with a reef shark. Forget that the environmental guide said they were harmless! A shark seen close of for the first time is a thing of absolute fear.  Have you seen Jaws? I rest my case, regardless of its meager size ones first encounter is one of great trepidation. These encounters became commonplace and by day two we had become nonchalant to their presence.

Our days took on a rather repetitive yet very relaxing and flow of breakfast followed by two hours of aquatic exercise before the sun got too hot and then relaxing around the bar reading and chatting till lunch. After what was always a delicious meal we would retire to the comfort of our villa for a couple of hours sleep before our second sojourn to the underwater world in all its entire splendor. This was followed by showering and getting prepared of the evening cocktail session, dinner and meeting and chatting to other guests. Then a romantic walk the length of the island followed by a well-deserved slumber to the night sounds.

There were other bewildering experiences we were so fortunate to see. At 7 pm every evening the large sting rays appear as if on automatic pilot. We were having a drink at a different part of the island situated above the beach looking down on the ocean. One of the staff arrived with a bucket of fish and on his right hand he wore a glove of metal mesh. As if called by some mysterious call of the deep the dark triangular shapes appeared and started to circle the courageous man. One by one as he took fish out of the bucket they swam up their wings flapping and slapping the water’s surface and gouged the fish. There were 6 or seven of these monstrous creatures circling and taking turns to feed. Then as quickly as they appeared they departed into the deep dark waters as night advanced. The next day we were booked to go on a snorkelling safari.  I didn’t think it was worth it as what could be an improvement to our daily swims. How wrong could one be? About twenty guests congregated on the dock waiting for the boat that was taking us on our unique journey. We set off into the middle of what seemed nowhere. Our guide explained we would be deposited into the ocean at the start of an underwater reef that ran for hundreds of yards. He explained that we should just float and not try and swim against the current. At the end of what was to be a exceptional experience the boat would pick us up. To get our attention they strongly suggested we take hold of the many ropes surrounding the boat as if we missed the boat swimming against the tide would be extremely difficult. One at a time we took to the water and as explained we were floating over an underwater world beyond our wildest dreams. The reef was probably 5 to 6 feet below the surface. We soared like eagles over corals and fish of every hue. Turtles dashed by and moray eels danced in the eddies of the current. The encounter was dreamlike, beyond imagination. Then all too soon it was over and we were back on board the boat. Most people were past talking, overcome with the emotion of the magnificent journey above nature’s wonderland. On the way back to the resort we were privileged to see an acrobatic display of leaps and tumbles from a large pod of dolphins displaying their buffoonery. It was if they were saying,” look at us we are just as exciting!” That night we went for a BBQ at the sand bar on the beach for a delicious fish dinner. Rather strange feeling after being their guest in their underwater world.

The week passed by from stunning sunrise to memory making sunsets as we sipped our cocktails enveloped in the glow of the fading orb. Then the morning arrived to move to our next island delight. We boarded the same vessel that brought us to Kuramathi Island and headed back towards the airport. Here we were told that we would need to wait at the airport till the next flight from South Africa as then we would be transported to Full Moon Resort with the next group of intrepid happy holiday makers. I realized that Full Moon was not that far away and the issue of a free trip in 2 hours or a water taxi at my own expense but leaving right away wasn’t debatable. On to the local water taxi cases in hand and off we set just the two of us and our driver. Always ensure you negotiate the price before departure! The trip was exciting as we became the boat rushing along parallel to the runway. As we left the airport in our wake we had a short but wonderful display around the taxi by a pod of half a dozen spirited dolphins. As we approached the island we past small yachts, kayaks, and other local taxi returning from other nearby islands. Then we pulled up to an attractive dock welcoming us to our home for the next 7 days. The walk through the tropical gardens  overflowing with colorful flowers thrusting their way through the green foliage was a great start to the mounting excitement. We arrived at a bright and vibrant reception area representing the true sensation of tropical island life. The processing of our check in was quick and efficient, happy smiling faces of the staff made the experience even more relaxing.

We were taken to our over water bungalow totally different in design to our last room on Kuramathi. Very modern open plan design ostensibly decorated in white and cream complimenting the sugar colored sands that circumnavigated the island. The depth of the water was very different to what we had experienced the prior week. The villa was much closer to the sea and as one stepped off the steps into the tepid ocean it was onto soft sand that gently sloped towards the reef. To get out to the outer reef one needed to wind ones way through a maze of stag horn coral that acted as a natural barrier. We could walk waist deep through the forests of the stag horn and watch the hordes of small fish darting in and out of their protective home. The little black and white clown fish would dart out and nibble on the hair on your arms as you got close enough for them to tickle your intruding arm. Small white tipped reef sharks would flash past our legs, trying to find a way to escape the impending threat we seemed to create. We were warned to not just step off the stairs of the villa into the shallow sand bottomed water without checking for stingrays. Only a week before a tourist had het holiday cut short when the barb of a small ray embedded itself into the ladies led and penetrated her shinbone. She was flown out of the islands on the first day of her dream holiday. We swam with numbers of the rays during our stay following them from a safe distance as they mysteriously flew through the water. There were also other rays frequenting the area. The most beautiful of these was the spotted eagle rays dark against the white sand and covered with hundreds of white spots. The eagle rays were normally found in squadron like numbers seemingly in pursuit of a preconceived destination.

On our second day we decided to venture beyond the forest of stag horn coral through to the outer reef. The reef didn’t have the deep sudden drop off we had got used to and gently slopped away deeper into the channel between the two islands. The marine life in the deeper water was minimal but the reef was alive with shoals of fish of every shape and sizes imaginable. Then as we were drifting on the surface we noticed we were in the company of 4 or 5 reef sharks bigger than we had become accustomed to. They kept their distance as they circled us and if we swam towards them they would accelerate away from us. However their sleek 4 foot long projectile shaped circling us was not a comfortable feeling and we decided to return to the more comfortable environment.

Maldives - A Traveler"s Account

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Disney Wonder Cruise Line Ship - Interesting Facts and Figures

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

The Disney Wonder was one of the first ships within the Disney Cruise Line family. It was built in Italy and had its maiden voyage on August 15, 1999. It is now known as one of the classic ships and is still a favourite among very seasoned cruise ship travellers.

The Disney Wonder was christened by Tinkerbell, who is the ship’s godmother. When she released a bottle of champagne against the hull of the ship, she also sprinkled a little bit of pixie dust to help it on it way.

The length of the Disney Wonder is 964 feet with a width of 106 feet at its widest point. There are a total of 11 decks on the ship which caters for all guests, staff and entertainment activities.

How Many Guests Can Travel on the Disney Wonder?

The Disney Wonder is able to carry a maximum of 2,600 guests at any one time. There are 877 guest rooms. On the Disney ships these accommodations are called staterooms. There are different sizes and styles of rooms available and they range in price depending on the size and the extra features that are included.

The different staterooms that are available are as follows:

Executive suites

Ocean view staterooms

Staterooms with a verandah

Outside staterooms with a porthole

Inside staterooms

Connecting staterooms for larger families or big groups

The Crew on The Disney Wonder

In order to meet all the needs of the guests on this particular ship, Disney employ over 1,000 crew members. These people work all over the ship to ensure that everyone has a magical vacation. The crew are made up of the housekeepers, who clean and tidy the staterooms each day, the serving staff, who work in the different restaurants and takeaway snack bars around the ship, the maintenance staff, who keep the ship in working order and the entertainment staff who make sure that everyone is having a fun time at the shows or in the activities that are offered every day.

The Style of The Disney Wonder

Each Disney ship is painted in the same colours which ensure that everyone will recognise it when they see it out at sea or when it is coming in to port.

The colour scheme is made up of white upper decks with a contrasting black, which is used to paint the hull. There is a bright yellow stripe that is painted in between the black and the white and this stripe circles the whole ship. The yellow colour is also used for the lifeboats and the anchor.

These colours are representative of Mickey Mouse, who can be spotted around the ship wearing a very nifty captain outfit.

The Disney Wonder has had several itineraries, which have included voyages to the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. Depending on the type of vacation that you are looking for, you could very well find yourself travelling on the wonderful Disney Wonder Cruise Line where you are sure to have a magical time.

The Disney Wonder Cruise Line Ship - Interesting Facts and Figures

The Disney Dream Cruise Ship - Snacks Galore To Keep Hunger At Bay

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

One of the advantages of booking an all inclusive cruise like The Disney Dream is that you do not need to worry about when and where you are going to eat. This is all taken care of for you. All you need to do is to pick up a map of the ship and find your way to the many eating establishments that are on board.

Where To Eat On The Disney Dream

The maximum capacity for this particular cruise ship is 4000 guests. That means that the chefs and the rest of the kitchen staff have to work hard in order to ensure that everyone gets to eat exactly what they desire.

In order to fulfil this need, you will be pleased to know that there are plenty of options available to you, which will keep everyone, young and old, as content as can be. Here are some details about three out of the many snack bars that you will find on the Disney Dream.

Luigi’s Pizza

As the name suggests, you can pick up a slice of pizza from this particular snack bar. There are plenty of flavours to choose from. So if you are a fan of pepperoni or chicken you can order a slice of your choice. There is also a vegetarian option as well as the classic cheese and tomato slice.

Filmore’s Favourites

If you are looking for a fast food fix then this is the place to head for. You have a choice of getting a portion of extra large chicken dippers with a side of fries or you can get yourself a hamburger. You can then add all the filling that you want by heading over to the salad bar station that is situated in the same area. Here you can help yourself to sliced onions, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and to top it off add some mayonnaise, ketchup or one of the other dressings on offer.

Tow Mater’ Grill

If you are interested in eating a grilled sandwich then the Tow Mater’s Grill will be the spot for you. The staff there will be happy to provide you with a freshly prepared grilled sandwich. The fillings that are on offer include a mozzarella, ham and tomato or a brie, bacon and tomato sandwich. If you would prefer a wrap or a sandwich you can get these too.

There is even something on offer for those who would like to have something a little healthy, Take your pick from the freshly prepared sandwiches or the variety of sliced fruit like watermelon, pineapple, cantaloupe and grapes.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you step on board the Disney Dream you will discover other eateries that will definitely tickle your taste buds and keep hunger at bay.

The Disney Dream Cruise Ship - Snacks Galore To Keep Hunger At Bay

The Disney Dream Cruise Line - Fascinating Facts and Figures

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

The newest ship to join the Disney Cruise Line family is called the Disney Dream. It is currently their biggest ship and had its maiden voyage on January 26 2011. If you are looking for a cruise that is suitable for all the family then this would be a perfect choice.

The height of the ship is a staggering 187 feet at its highest point. The length of the ship is 1,115 feet. It is powered by three 12 cylinder and two 14 cylinder engines as well as two 19 megawatt Coverteam propulsion motors. When you are on the ship it sails along so smoothly that you will feel like it is merely the wind that is propelling it through the seas.

The Different Staterooms On The Disney Dream

The guest quarters on the Disney Cruise Lines are called guest staterooms. On this particular ship, there are a total of 1250 guest staterooms. The total guest capacity for the ship is 4,000 people. In order to accommodate all these people, the guest rooms are broken down into a variety of sizes. The cost of your accommodation will depend on the size and location of the room.

The rooms can be categorised as follows:

There are 150 inside staterooms

There are 1,100 outside staterooms

There are 199 staterooms with an ocean view

There are 880 staterooms which have their own private verandas

There are 21 suites which have their own verandas

There are 500 connecting staterooms, which are perfect for large families or groups

The Design of The Disney Dream

The designs of all the Disney ships are like an homage to the classic transatlantic ships from the past. The contrasting colours that have been used certainly help this fleet to stand out from the rest of the crowd. This is particularly apparent when a Disney ship is in port at one of the islands that it visits. Look around and you will see that all the other ships appear to be a dull in comparison.

The colour scheme that is used is black for the hull of the ship with a cool contrasting white for the upper levels. The funnel of the ship is painted in a striking red. There is a yellow stripe between the black and white that goes around the whole of the ship. This yellow theme is continued as it is the colour used for the anchor and the life boats that are attached on the fourth deck of the ship. This combination of colours was chosen as they represent the main man at the top of the Disney family. This is of course, Captain Mickey Mouse.

The Crew Size For The Disney Dream

In order to ensure that everyone has a great time on the Disney Dream cruise, a staff of just under1500 people is employed. This ranges from the Captain of the ship, the Cruise Director, responsible for all the entertainment and activities on board, the waiting staff, the housekeepers, right down to the members of the maintenance teams who are busy making sure that the ship remains in pristine condition.

All these facts and figures help to show you what it takes to create a great ship. This is what you will discover for yourself and plenty more besides, if you choose to take a vacation on the Disney Dream Cruise Line.

The Disney Dream Cruise Line - Fascinating Facts and Figures

How To Meet All of The Disney Characters During Your Cruise Vacation - Top Tips

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

One of the reasons that people choose to go on a Disney cruise is in order to get the chance to meet all of the famous and infamous characters from Disney family. There are ample opportunities to see your favourite Disney friend throughout the whole of your cruise. Here are some suggestions to help ensure that you and your family get to see the character of your choice.

Study Your Personal Navigator

The daily schedule of events is provided for you in what is called The Navigator. This timetable will be delivered to your room each morning so that you are able to consult it to see what activities are on offer for the day.

To find out which Disney characters will be making an appearance, you simply need to look at the highlight line which is called Character. Here you will see which personality will be out and exactly where you will be able to find them on the ship. As you can imagine, there are lots of people who will want to go to the meet and greet sessions so a good tip to guarantee that you will get a photo is to go along to the designated area at least 15 minutes before. You will then be at the head of the line.

Call The Disney Characters Appearance Hotline

Another way that you can find out about which characters are due to make a special appearance is to phone the Disney Characters Appearance hotline. This is a telephone number which plays and recorded message to inform you where your favourite characters can be found on the ship for that particular day. If, for example you want to meet Mickey Mouse, you will be able to find out when he will be out for a stroll or out on the main deck mingling with the other guests. If you would prefer to find one of the lovely princesses such as Cinderella, Belle or Tiana then you can find out where they will be too. The telephone hotline number can be found inside your personal Navigator or you can contact Guest Services who will be happy to assist you further.

Consult The Digital Screens

As well as your personal Navigator and the Characters Appearance Hotline number, there is a digital screen that lists all the characters that will be out on parade for the day. The digital screen is located in the main lobby area of the ship and is updated bright and early every morning of your trip.

By using one or all of the methods mentioned above, you will always know exactly which Disney character will be available so that you can go along and get a signature and a magical photo taken with them. This is a wonderful memory that you can take with you to remember all the fun you had on your Disney Cruise Line vacation.

How To Meet All of The Disney Characters During Your Cruise Vacation - Top Tips

How To Have The Best Disney Cruise Vacation Ever

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you are planning to take your family on a wonderful family vacation, then there is no better choice than a Disney Cruise Line vacation. You can choose to take a 3 day, 4 day or 7 day cruise and there are ships that go to a variety of destinations, including Europe, the Caribbean and Alaska. In order to help you to have the best vacation ever, here is a little bit of advice to help make your trip a truly magical event.

Prepare To Wait In Line

Where ever you go you will invariably have to stand in line for something. This is also the case when you join a Disney cruise. When you study your daily schedule of events, which is called the Navigator, you will find that everything is timetabled for your convenience. The largest lines that you will find are when there are character appearances. Everyone wants to meet and greet Mickey Mouse and his friends so you will need to queue.

In order to ensure that you do not miss out always get to the designated areas at least 20 minutes before a particular character is due to make an appearance. This is one way to ensure that you get that special autograph and photograph with the character of your choice. If you are not sure where you need to go, always ask a member of staff, who will be more than happy to assist you.

Best Times To Use The Pools

Disney Cruise Line vacations are very popular all year round. This means that they will normally be working at maximum capacity. The end result is that the swimming pools will be very busy with children and adults all looking to have some fun splashing about in the water.

If you are looking for a time when the pools will be at their quietest, the best time to use them is when the ship visits a foreign port. The majority of people will rush off early in the morning in order to take part in one of the many excursions that are offered. If you plan smart, you can arrange to go on an excursion later in the day and enjoy the on board ship pools in the morning. You will find less people around and a lot more space for you and your family to enjoy.

By utilizing these two pieces of advice, you will be able to increase the level of enjoyment that you will be able to get out of your Disney cruise and make it a really special vacation to remember.

How To Have The Best Disney Cruise Vacation Ever

Entertainment on The Disney Dream - Take A Trip To The Theatre Every Evening of You

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

One of the things that the Disney Cruise Line prides itself on is the opportunity to offer live theatre to its guests. Each cruise ship provides a different show each night which is based on the different characters from the Disney movies and theatre shows.

On the Disney Dream guests have the opportunity to watch talented performers who come from all around the world, as they sing, dance and act, providing lots of laughter joy and entertainment.

The theatre is set over two floors and is found at the front of the ship. It is called the Walt Disney Theatre after the great man who created Mickey Mouse and the rest of the Disney family. In order to accommodate everyone there are two performances each night.

All of the shows are for all the family to enjoy together so you do not have to worry about the possibility of bad language or inappropriate behaviour. Here is a little more information about the shows on offer.

The Golden Mickeys

This is a very popular show on the Disney Dream cruise. It is an award show where different characters are presented with an award for the different categories. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the Disney characters for the first time.


This is a show that highlights all the baddies that have appeared in the Disney films. It is a great time to remind ourselves that however bad these characters are, good will always prevails. There is a lot of fun to be had during this performance. The central character for this show is Hades, who is still very unhappy about being defeated by Hercules.

Disney Believe

The premise of this sweet little story centres on a young girl who is upset because her father is too busy with his work to help her to celebrate her birthday. She enjoys magic and make believe, which her very serious father has no time for. However, with the help of the Genie from Aladdin, he gets to find out that magic really does exist if you jus believe. During this show there are wonderful appearances from Mary Poppins, as she flies through the sky, Tinkerbell, Rafiki from The Lion King’ as well as the beautiful princesses Cinderella, Snow White and Tiana from The Princess and the Frog.

These are the fabulous collection of professional productions that you will find when you board the Disney Dream Cruise Line. Each one is filled with your favourite Disney characters and will definitely have you singing a Disney tune as you leave the theatre each evening.

Entertainment on The Disney Dream - Take A Trip To The Theatre Every Evening of You

Disney Dream Cruise Ship - Where To Eat - The Wonderful Restaurants Explained

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

Once you board the Disney Dream cruise ship you will find that there is an amazing variety of places to eat. Food is available 24 hours a day so you will never get a chance to feel one single hunger pang. Here are just a few of the places that you can choose to eat at, depending on what you feel like having.

Once you have been booked into your accommodation, you will also be told what your dining room assignment is. This particular ship has space for up to 4000 guests so in order to ensure that everyone gets to have a sit down meal, there are two meal settings. The first is at 5.45pm and the second seating is at 8.15pm. These times have been coordinated so that people are able to see the wonderful theatre productions that are offered each evening.

The Main Restaurants on The Disney Dream

There are three restaurants that each guest will visit at least once during their vacation. They are called The Enchanted Garden, The Royal Palace and Animator’s Palate. Each one has its own theme and style of food. All menus include an appetizer, a starter, a main and ends with a lovely choice of mouth watering desserts.

The dress code for these restaurants is cruise casual. The majority of people will tend to change into their evening attire after a day spent out on deck or in the pools. However, you are welcome to wear whatever you desire as you will not be turned away by the staff.

Getting To Know Your Waiters

When you go for your first meal, you will meet several people who are there to ensure that you enjoy your meal. These people are your waiter or server and the assistant server. These same people will wait on you every evening that you dine in the restaurant. This is a fantastic advantage as they will get to know you and your particular preferences and will be able to anticipate your needs. This is a great benefit if you are travelling with children because your personal waiter will know exactly what type of things will keep them amused during the meal.

How To Tip Your Waiters For A Great Service

When it comes to tipping your waiters, you will find that this has been included in the price of your cruise. However, many people like to be able to add a little extra if they feel that they have received an exemplary service. This is very easy to do. At the end of the cruise, you will be given little envelopes that have the words, server, assistant server and Head server printed on them. This is where you can place an additional tip for the service that you have received.

Each restaurant has a particular theme and all the wait staff work together to ensure that you enjoy your meal. If you feel like a little snack sometime after dinner, you can visit one of the many snack bars that are dotted around the ship. You will be able to pick up a slice of pizza, a hamburger or something for dessert like an ice cream or some fresh fruit. No one ever goes hunger on a Disney Cruise Line vacation.

Disney Dream Cruise Ship - Where To Eat - The Wonderful Restaurants Explained

Disney Dream Cruise Ship - The Fantastic Water Pools For Children

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

One of the great activities that people of all ages love to indulge in once they get on their cruise is to head over to the pool area and enjoy the water. On a Disney Cruise ship, you will find that they have put a lot of thought into this area.

The Disney Dream is the newest ship in the fleet and if you are looking for a pool for the children to relax in there are a few to choose from.

Mickey’s Pool

This is the perfect pool for the younger children. It is only 2 feet deep so there is no fear of accidents occurring. The shape of the pool has been designed to resemble Mickey Mouse’s head and it is filled with freshwater so the children can splash around all day long.

Donald’s Pool

This particular pool has been shaped to resemble Donald Duck’s head. This is also a freshwater pool and it has a maximum depth of 5 feet 3inches. This is a place for all the family to come together and enjoy a dip in the water.

Both Mickey’s pool and Donald’s pool are located in the centre of Deck 11. The pools stay open all day long and there is also a fantastic cinema screen. This giant screen shows different Disney movies all day long so you can enjoy watching something like Finding Nemo, The Princess and The Frog and many other Disney films.

The pool space also transforms into a flat deck area when it is time for a Disney Deck party. This occurs on the first day of the cruise where the whole family are entertained by the Disney Cruise Line Sailing away party. This is the first time where you will get to meet some of the Disney characters including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse, Goofy and Pluto the dog.

The AquaDuck

The AquaDuck is an amazing water coaster slide that circles the whole deck of the ship. It measures 765 feet in length and actually goes off the side of the ship and returns. The entrance is found on Deck 12 where you have to climb up one flight of stairs to get to your raft. Once you reach the top, the helpful attendant assists you as you sit comfortably in your raft. There is a height restriction and younger children have to be accompanied by an adult.

Nemo’s Reef

This is the cool place to be if you are a toddler. Here you will find that there is an enclosed area that has been designed to look like the bottom of the ocean just like the Disney Pixar movie Finding Nemo. There are lots of water jets and fountains that will bring joy and laughter to your little one’s face. There he or she will enjoy playing with the brightly coloured fish that squirt water from their mouths.

These water pools have been designed to keep children of all ages happily entertained as well as nice and cool under the hot Caribbean sun. Once they get into one of the pools, you may have a tough time trying to get them out again.

Disney Dream Cruise Ship - The Fantastic Water Pools For Children

Disney Dream Cruise Ship - Choosing The Caribbean Itinerary

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you have made the decision that you would like to go on a Disney Cruise Line vacation, the next task on your list will be to choose which ship you would like to travel on. The choice that you make will all depend on the destinations that you would prefer to see and the length of vacation that you are looking for.

If you are interested in sailing to the Caribbean then a wonderful choice would be the Disney Dream. This is the newest member of the Disney Cruise line fleet of ships and you can enjoy a wonderful vacation. The Disney Dream departs from Port Canaveral in Florida every week.

The First Island Stop Welcome To Nassau

There are plenty of things to do in Nassau so every member of the family will find something to suit them. You can choose from the vast arrange of island excursions that are on offer to you. You can book a tour while you are still on the Disney ship or you can get off and take one of the many authorized tours that are offer on shore. Once you step off the ship you will be met by representatives for the different tour companies who are looking to gain your business. All you have to do is to decide how you would like to spend the day.

It is not unusual to find other ships arriving into port at the same time. If you are lucky you may get to take a glimpse at the Norwegian Cruise line as well as the ship from the Carnival Cruise line family.

The Second Island Stop Welcome To Castaway Cay

If you are looking for something really exclusive then you will definitely find it at Castaway Cay. This is a beautiful island that is actually owned by the Disney Corporation. That means that the guests that are on this island are people who are travelling on a Disney Cruise. Normally only one Disney Cruise ship will be in port on a particular day so you will basically have the run of the island.

The ship arrives early in the morning and once you have had breakfast you can go off and get busy with all the beach activities on offer. You can choose to lie on the beach, soaking up the sun and take a dip in the warm sea water at your leisure. For the more energetic there are water activities to keep you busy. Choose from jet skis, kayaking, paragliding or take out one of those jumbo water bikes.

During your Disney cruise you will have plenty of opportunities to meet and greet the fantastic characters that we all know and love. Get a photograph of the family meeting Mickey Mouse and the rest of the gang on the Disney Dream and this will surely be a magical adventure at sea that you to remember for years to come.

Disney Dream Cruise Ship - Choosing The Caribbean Itinerary

Disney Dream Cruise Line - Special Features - Pirate Night

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you have booked a cruise on the Disney Dream, you will be in for a fabulous vacation. There is something on offer for all the family to enjoy, regardless of their age.

One of the magical events that currently takes place on the Disney Dream cruise is known as the spectacularly themed Pirates Night. This occurs on the second evening of the trip and takes place on Deck 11.

Dressing For The Party Get Your Pirate Gear On

The event is split up into different sections that are suitable for all the family to enjoy. The first thing that everyone has to do is to dress for the occasion. Many people will have brought a costume with them but you can find plenty of things on offer in one of the many Disney shops onboard. The basic outfit will be an eye patch, a head scarf, featuring a skull and cross bones and you are all set to go. Of course, you can choose to go completely wild and get the full pirate costume complete with a swashbuckling sword.

Mickeys Pirates In The Caribbean

The first event of the evening is called Mickeys Pirates in The Caribbean. This is a really cute show that is set on the stage of Deck 11. Mickey Mouse is the head of the group and he comes out with some of his Disney friends in order to show everyone what it takes to be a pirate. During this 25 minute show, all your favourite characters get involved including Minnie Mouse, Donald and Daisy Duck, Goofy and of course, Pluto.

This is when everyone is taught the basics being a Pirate and earns the right to be a fully fledged member of Mickeys Pirate Crew. All these new skills are put to the test when the dastardly Captain Hook and his sidekick Smee try to take over the ship. Their attempts are foiled and Captain Hook is sent on his way.

This is a wonderful little show full of song and dance that all young children will simply adore.

Buccaneer Blast!

This part of the Pirate themed night is called Buccaneer Blast! This is centred around the wonderful fireworks display that goes off from the side of the ship. At the moment Disney Cruise Line are the only ships that currently provide a fireworks display while out at sea. Each explosion has been carefully choreographed so that it co-ordinates perfectly with the musical score that is booming from the sound system. This is a great treat for all the family and it really does light up the night sky with lots of colour and sparks.

Club Pirate Special Appearance By Captain Jack Sparrow

The final part of the Pirate themed night is called Club Pirate which has been designed to get everyone in the dancing mood. There is a special appearance by Captain Jack Sparrow, who spectacularly free falls from one of the ship funnels. This is a great surprise and a sort of comical chase ensues, ending with Jack Sparrow leaving arm in arm with two beautiful ladies.

The guest DJ for the cruise will then play excellent tunes that will get everyone up on their feet and dancing the night away. This is a little late for the youngsters but there are lots of children who really get into the dancing mood and really give the entertainment staff some real competition.

The evening ends with a movie display on the jumbo movie screen of the film Pirates of the Caribbean.

The Pirate night has something for everybody and is a great way to spend the evening out at sea as part of your Disney cruise ship vacation.

Disney Dream Cruise Line - Special Features - Pirate Night

Disney Cruise Ship - The Fabulous Evening Entertainment on Offer on Deck 4

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you are looking for things to do on your Disney Dream Cruise Line vacation, you will not be disappointed. There are 14 decks on the Disney Dream. Some are exclusively for guest cabin accommodations but there are several decks that are reserved for entertainment. On the fourth deck, for example, you will find that this is the family and adult entertainment zone.

Welcome To The D Lounge

The ‘D Lounge’ is where you will find the family entertainment activities. Here you will find family favourites like Sing A Long Karaoke and plenty of family game shows that are based around the different Disney characters.

Welcome To The District Lounge

If you head further along Deck 4 you will arrive at the District Lounge. This is a lovely little chill out area where you will have the opportunity to listen to live music every evening. Different duos and trios are recruited for the ship every few weeks so that you will hear a range of styles including jazz, swing, pop songs as well as tunes from the musicals.

Welcome To 687

If you are looking for a comfortable place to sit and play family games, then 687 is the place to head for. During the day, it is a space for all the family to come together and enjoy some fun times together playing board games like Monopoly, chess and scrabble. After 9pm, you have to be over 18 years to enter. This is when it becomes a space for the grown ups to chill out and relax for a while. You are able to take your pick from the vast selection of beers, wine and cocktails that the trained staff is happy to provide you with.

Welcome To The Skyline Lounge

This is another comfortable bar area for people over 18. Here you can sit at the bar and watch as the virtual windows to the world show you the skylines of a variety of different cities around the world. Enjoy the unique viewpoint of the ever changing vistas, while savouring a glass of your favourite beverage. The views change approximately every 15 20 minutes.

Welcome To Pink

If you are looking for a cosy and romantic little niche then you definitely have to head over and visit Pink. This is an intimate little cocktail bar that would be perfect for couples seeking to reconnect with each other after a busy day keeping the children entertained. Here you can share a vintage bottle of champagne or get one of the many signature cocktails that the fully trained staff are happy to mix up for you.

Welcome To Evolution

For those people who like to dance, you can head on into Evolution. This is a very cool looking night club where there is a guest DJ who plays all those tunes to get people up and dancing on the dance floor. To help encourage guests to dance, there are performances from the Evolution dance troupe to get the party started.

This is just a brief explanation of the entertainment venues that you will find on Deck 4 of the Disney Dream Cruise Line. There are still plenty more activities and good stuff to discover on the other decks of this magnificent ship, where everyone can have a great time.

Disney Cruise Ship - The Fabulous Evening Entertainment on Offer on Deck 4

Disney Cruise Line Vacations Are For All Ages

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

Disney Offers Something For All The Family

Disney Cruise Lines are very proud to be able to offer a range of activities to suit all ages. Each age group has been sectioned off so that their particular needs can be catered to properly and successfully.

The Oceaneers Club For Children Aged Under 10

If you are a family with children under 10 years old, you will find that there is a kids club just for them. This is called the Oceaneers Club where there are plenty of fully trained youth activities leaders and counsellors who will keep your children entertained all day long. If you are lucky, you will be able to grab your children’s attention long enough for them to join you for dinner before they rush off back to their own designated area to play with their new found friends.

Edge -For Children Aged 11 13 Years

There is a cool club for all the tweens to attend. If you have children aged between 11 and 13 then this gives them the opportunity to meet other young people of their age. Disney Cruise Lines have created special programs and deck areas that will keep this age group entertained and out of trouble. Again there are specially trained counsellors on hand to ensure everyone is having a fun time in a safe and secure environment.

Vibe For Children Aged 14 17

For those children who are seeking a little more independence from their family as well as their younger siblings, Vibe has been created for them. Children or young adults aged between 14 to 17 years are provided with their own deck which has been furnished with things that will keep them happy. There is also a schedule of events that has been carefully thought out and timetabled so that they get to meet kids of their own age and can have hang out and have fun.

Its A Small World Nursery

For parents who are looking for a little bit of personal time for themselves, there is a nursery at their disposal. Staffed by qualified nursery nurses, you are able to drop off your little ones and be safe in the knowledge that they are being taken care of while you grab a couple of hours by the pool. This is a great opportunity for couples to reconnect without having to worry if their children are safe. The nursery opens early and closes late and all parents can make use of this facility at their leisure.

For The Adults

There are plenty of family activities and family areas on board the Disney ships. However, if you are looking to take a little break from the children or if you are a couple without children, then you will be happy to know that there are designated areas just for you. There are quiet coves situated on certain decks where children are not allowed. Here you will find comfortable extra large sofas and your own pool and hot tub. The icing on the cake is the cocktail bar that is also situated in these areas. This is definitely the spot to settle down in if you are on a romantic couples getaway.

So whether you are a family or you are a couple looking to spend a few days away, a Disney cruise line vacation has something to offer people of all ages.

Disney Cruise Line Vacations Are For All Ages

Disney Cruise Line Port Destination - Eating and Drinking Well at Castaway Cay

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

One of the things that you will never have to worry about when you are on a cruise line vacation is where to eat and drink. This is certainly no exception when you arrive at Disneys private island Castaway Cay.

The island has a skeleton staff that travels from one of the surrounding islands nearby. To maintain the island so that it is ready to receive guests. However the bulk of the staff is actually from the cruise line. You will most probably recognise your own servers at one of the eating or drinking establishments around Castaway Cay.

All the food is prepared on the ship very early in the morning and this is then transported to the different locations, where the cooking process is completed. Breakfast is served on the ship and lunch is available on the island from 11.30am until 2.00pm.

Where To Eat on Castaway Cay

There are three main locations where you are able to enjoy a barbecue feast. The two areas that are available for families are called Cookies BBQ and Cookies Too BBQ. Each location is covered with huge canopies in order to provide shade so that you can eat in comfort. The third location is next to Serenity Bay, which is the area that is exclusively for people aged 18 and over. This is next to the adults only Serenity beach.

Eating Well On The Island

One of the most important aspects wherever you go is food. This has all been taken care of for you. As you are on an island, the food that will be on offer to you is everything that you would expect to find at a barbecue. The array of choice will include hot and sticky barbecue ribs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and barbecue chicken. As well as all that good stuff, there is also a well stocked salad bar with a good choice of salad dressings.

If you still have room for dessert, you will find that there is cake and cookies on offer as well as fresh fruit. You will be able to get sliced fruit such as pineapple, cantaloupe, melon and grapes.

Drinking Well On The Island

At each of the food locations, you will find a beverage counter. Here you can help yourself to an array of soft drinks including Sprite, Coke, Fanta and water. There are also several bars on the island where you can get the alcoholic beverage of your choice including the signature cocktail of the day.

After a morning of water activities or simply laying out in the sun, the fantastic barbecue that is provided by the Disney crew will certainly satisfy all taste buds and appetites.

Disney Cruise Line Port Destination - Eating and Drinking Well at Castaway Cay

Disney Cruise Line Destination Port - Welcome To Castaway Cay

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you have chosen a Disney Cruise Line adventure with a Caribbean itinerary then one of the islands that you are bound to visit is called Castaway Cay. This is an island that is privately owned by the Disney Corporation and is exclusively available to those on a Disney ship.

Everything You Need Is In Your Daily Schedule

Every day of your cruise you are provided with a daily schedule of events. This is exactly what you will receive when you arrive at Castaway Cay. On one side of this information pack you will see a colourful diagram of the island. All of the attractions and things of interest have been colour coded and highlighted for your convenience. You are able to discover where the family beaches are, where the adult only beach is, where the different water activities are located and where the different food and drink outlets are.

On the other side of the daily schedule you will find that many things have been timetabled for you so that you can pick and choose what you want to do and see. This is great because you will not miss out on all the fantastic possibilities open to you. There is something for all ages and you can be kept busy all day long if you so wish.

Meet The Disney Character On The Island

On the Castaway Cay schedule you will see that all the character appearances have been highlighted for you. This is a great opportunity for you and your family to get some great photos of the Disney characters wearing their beach attire.

As we are on an island you are sure to spot Captain Jack Sparrow, the star of the film Pirates of the Caribbean. This is, of course, his natural habitat so do not be surprised if you find him walking over the sand dunes towards you.

Getting Around The Island

There are two ways to get around the island. You can choose to walk along the well defined pathways that lead to the beach areas, the BBQ areas and all the water activities. Alternatively you can hop onto the trams that travel around the island at very regular intervals. The first tram is about 2 minutes away from the ship and will stop at two locations, Scuttles Cove and Pelican Point. The second tram will take you to Serenity Bay, the adult only beach.

Once the ship arrives at Castaway Cay, you will be able to spend a full day onshore. Everyone has to be back onboard by 5.00pm when it is time to set sail and continue with your Disney Cruise Line vacation.

Disney Cruise Line Destination Port - Welcome To Castaway Cay

Disney Cruise Line Destination Port - Shopping At Castaway Cay

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

As part of the Caribbean cruise itinerary for a Disney Cruise Line vacation you are sure to visit Disneys private island called Castaway Cay. There will be plenty of scheduled events for you and your family to take part in and you will also be able to do a little bit of shopping while you are there too.

Shopping on The Island

If you are looking for something special then you are sure to find plenty to your liking at one of the stores on the island. This is the only place that you will be able to purchase items that have the Castaway Cay name or logo on them. If you see anything that you like, you need to purchase it as soon as you see it as these things are not available anywhere else, including on the Disney ship.

There are two main stores that you can visit; one is called She Sells and Everything Else. The other store is called Buy the Seashore. Items for sale include exclusive Disney Castaway T-Shirts, hats, towels, dresses, magnets and lots more.

Everything Can Be Delivered To Your Stateroom

You do not have to worry about carrying all of your new purchases around with you. You can actually have everything delivered to your guestroom for you. Simply speak to one of the helpful sales assistants who will be able to sort this out for you.

All you need is your Key To The World Card that was given to you on the first day of your vacation. Everything you purchase will be automatically added to your account, which you will be able to settle up on the final evening of your cruise.

Sending Postcards From Castaway Cay

Castaway Cay has its own little post office. This is the only place where you will be able to get the exclusive Castaway Cay postmark stamp. The post office is open from 9.30am until 4.00pm. This is the only place on the island that you will need to use cash for.

In order to post your letters from here, you need to purchase Bahamian stamps as US stamps are not accepted. This is because Castaway Cay is part of the Bahamas. You can use US currency in order to make your purchase.

One thing that you should be aware of is that postal deliveries are a little bit slower than you would expect. A postcard to the United States will take about 5-7 days to arrive and a postcard sent to Europe will take up to 6 weeks to arrive.

Disney Cruise Line Destination Port - Shopping At Castaway Cay

Cruise Ship Destination Port - Water Sports Activities on Offer In Nassau

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you decide to go on a cruse line vacation that travels around the Caribbean, one of the places that you will visit could be the small island of Nassau. Once you get there you will find that there is a fantastic array of activities that you can do. You can choose to take part in an excursion that is arranged while you are on the ship or you can pick and choose from the many tour operators that will meet you once you get off the ship and take a little walk along the port harbour.

Nassau is a town on New Providence Island that is part of the Bahamas. Wherever you go, they will accept US dollars so you do not have to worry about changing money. All prices will be given to you in American dollars so you do not have to think about currency conversions or rates of exchange.

Fun Activities For Water Lovers

If you are a fan of water sports and water activities then you can choose to take part in a water park cruise. There is a package tour that is available that will keep you busy all day long and you will get back in plenty of time in order to board your ship.

There are two different tour packages that you can choose from. The first tour will allow you do to the following things:

Take a sight seeing tour on a mini cruiser

Go snorkelling and discover the beautiful creatures that live in the sea

The price includes a delicious and filling lunch cooked in a Caribbean style

The day trip ends with a trip to the beach so you have time to relax and top up your tan before heading back to the port.

If you are interested in a more intensive schedule of water sports, then you could opt for the second tour which will include the following activities:

A Para-sail ride

A banana boat ride

A Jet Ski ride

Time to relax on the beach

Time to go swimming in the clear blue sea.

One of the companies that provide these water sports cruises is called Paradise Ocean Sports. You can find out more about them by looking at their website or contacting them by email if you are looking for more information or by simply picking up a leaflet from the Port Authority building that you pass through once you arrive in Nassau.

This is just one example of the type of thing that you could choose to do on your day trip to Nassau.

Once you have spent the day taking part in all these rides in the water, you will be very happy to get back on board your cruise for a well earned rest.

Cruise Ship Destination Port - Water Sports Activities on Offer In Nassau

Cruise Ship Destination Port - Things of Historical Interest in Nassau

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

Things To See In Nassau

One of the ports that many cruise ships have as part of their itinerary is the Bahamian town of Nassau. It is a small place but there is plenty to see here. If you choose to get off your cruise ship and want to take a walk around the area, you will discover that there are some great historical monuments to see. Here are just a few of the sites that you will see that are within walking distance from the harbour.

The first thing you will want to do is to pick up a free map from the Port Authority Building. This is the building that everyone has to walk through that opens out into Nassau. All the points of interest are highlighted on these maps for your convenience.

Things of Historical Interest in Nassau

Queens Staircase

If you follow the map and walk along Elizabeth Avenue you will find yourself at one of the main sites of historical interest in Nassau. This is called the Queens Staircase. This is a set of stairs that were cut into the limestone hill by slaves. Sixty six stairs were created which lead up to Fort Fincastle, the fort that was used to protect the island from foreign invasion. Sixty five of the steps now remain. They are very narrow and very steep but you are sure to feel a sense of achievement once you have climbed up them all.

Fort Fincastle

Fort Fincastle is a ship shaped structure that was completed in 1793. It was constructed by Governor Lord Dunmore and overlooks Nassau, Paradise Island and the eastern approaches to the island of New Providence. The design of the Fort was created so that potential enemies would think that it was a large ship from a distance which would hopefully deter them from attacking the island. There are several cannons that have survived over the centuries including two 12 pounder cannons and one Howitzer.

Fort Fincastle used to serve as a lighthouse until 1817, when a new lighthouse was built on Paradise Island. You can take a short guided tour which lasts about 15 minutes and costs only $1. Once you are inside you will see the fantastic views of the town. On a lovely clear day, you will be able to spot your cruise ship in the distance and produce some wonderful landscape photographs.

Water Tower

Opposite Fort Fincastle you will see the Water Tower. It is 126 feet tall and is known as the highest point in Nassau. This is also a great place to see spectacular views of the whole city. It was built in 1928 as a water supply reservoir for the surrounding area.

Once you have spent a little bit of time taking in these historical buildings, you can choose to return to the Queens Staircase and head back down the stairs. This also provides a great photo opportunity. You can then take a look at the wonderful crafts that have been hand made by the sellers in the area. You can pick up artwork, bags and hats that have been hand woven and even statues hand crafted from wood.

Cruise Ship Destination Port - Things of Historical Interest in Nassau

Caribbean Cruise Ship Destination Port - A Super Tour of Downtown Nassau

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you have booked a Caribbean cruise, one of the destinations that you may be lucky enough to visit is the city of Nassau on the island of New Providence. It is part of the Bahamas and is a beautiful place that has lots to offer if you are planning to go onshore for the few hours that you will be there.

Here are just a few of the highlights that you will be able to see if you decide that you would like to take a leisurely wander around. You can take an independent walking tour where you will be able to see the main attractions of Nassau within the space of an hour. It will likely be very hot so before you set off, make you take a bottle of water with you and apply a good amount of suntan lotion.

Things To See In Downtown Nassau

Once you pass through the Port Authority Building, where everyone who is entering the country has to walk through, you will find that many tour operators will be trying to get your attention in order to entice you with one of their day trips and excursions.

If you just want to take a walk around the town, then simply pick up a complimentary city map which you will find on one of the many counters or on the wall display area. Open up the map and you will find a diagram with the heading Downtown Nassau.

Everything that is of interest has been highlighted on the map. And you do not need to worry because it is all within walking distance. You may be walking slower due to the heat but it is all still within reach.

Rawson Square

One of the first things that you will see as you take your leisurely walk is Rawson Square. Here you will discover a bust of Sir Milo Butler. He was the first Bahamian born Governor General from 1973 1979. The Bahamas was a British colony until its independence in 1973. The bust is made out of bronze and was unveiled in 1986.

Parliament Square

Just opposite Rawson Square is Parliament Square. This area contains the House of Assembly, the Senate and the Supreme Court, all of which were all constructed during the early 1800s and are painted in a striking pastel pink. There is a small statue of Queen Victoria that sits in front of the whole square. It is made out of marble and shows the Queen wearing robes of state and holding an orb and sceptre in each hand.

These are just a few of the sites that you will see as you walk around Nassau. There is plenty more to discover and you will also have plenty of time to shop for hand made crafts and gifts to remind you of your visit to the Island.

Caribbean Cruise Ship Destination Port - A Super Tour of Downtown Nassau

3 Top Tips For A Great Disney Cruise Line Vacation

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

If you are planning to go on a Disney Cruise Line vacation, there are several things that you can do in order to ensure that you have the best holiday possible. Here are three top tips that will help to improve your luxury cruise.

Study Your Daily Navigator

The Navigator is the name of the daily schedule of events that will take place during your cruise vacation. This includes all the on board activities and programmes. For those who are travelling on one of the many Disney Caribbean cruises, this will also include the events that are available when you arrive at Castaway Cay, Disney’s privately owned island in the Bahamas.

It is a really good idea to take a look at the Navigator first thing in the morning so that you can highlight those things that are of interest to you so that you do not miss a thing. You will see that there is a whole host of fun things to entertain all ages from toddlers, to active seniors and everyone in between.

Pre-Brook For The Premium Restaurants

Each ship has at least one premium restaurant which offers you a wonderful menu that will have your taste buds singing. There is a surcharge for these restaurants so it would make a wonderful choice if you would like to plan a romantic meal for two or if you are celebrating a very special occasion.

These restaurants are open every evening of your cruise but there is limited space. It is therefore advisable to either pre-book your reservation when you are booking your cruise or alternatively, book your table as soon as you get on board your ship.

Pack Your Swimsuit In Your Hand Luggage

As soon as you have completed all your paper work and you are allowed to board the ship, your Disney vacation has begun. Your luggage will be taken to your stateroom which you will have access to after 4 or 5 pm.

It is definitely a good idea to pack your bathing suit in your hand luggage as you will be able to use the pool as soon as you get on the ship. This will definitely be the best opportunity as the majority of guest will not think to do this. You and your family can enjoy splashing about in one of the many pools available to you while others have to wait until they can unpack their luggage.

These are just three top tips that will get your Disney cruise vacation off to an amazing start. Happy sailing.

3 Top Tips For A Great Disney Cruise Line Vacation

3 Excellent Reasons To Go On A Disney Cruise Vacation

Article Source: Disney Cruise Line –

There are plenty of great reasons to choose a Disney Cruise for your next vacation. There is something for everyone to enjoy, whether you are a babe in arms or an active senior and indeed anyone in between. Here are some 3 excellent reasons to consider booking a Disney cruise.

All Inclusive Bed And Board

One of the main benefits of a cruise vacation is the fact that it is an all inclusive package deal. This means that once you have made your reservation and you have paid in full, there is nothing else that you need to worry about. Your room is taken care of, you can eat all the food that you could desire, which is available 24 hours a day. You are provided with a daily schedule of events that you can choose to attend if you wish, like the various theatre productions or the live music events or comedy shows that are currently on board. Alternatively you can just relax by the pool and soak up the sun rays all day long.

The only additional charges will be for the extra activities that are offered such as the relaxing spa treatments, the island excursions and any alcoholic beverages you choose to consume.

There is Something For All The Family

A great reason to choose a Disney Cruise Line vacation is because they cater for all ages. You will discover that there are schedules and programs that have been prepared for children of all ages. On the Disney Cruise Line the age groups have been sectioned off and each group has been assigned particular decks where they can come together and have lots of fun. The different groups are:

The Oceaneears Club for children aged under 10

Edge for children aged 11 13

Vibe for children aged 14 – 17

Its a small world Nursery for babies and toddlers

There are also designated deck areas for the over 18s so that adults have somewhere where they can go and relax away from the noise and excitement of the children. This is also particular great for those couples with no children who have decided on Disney cruise for a romantic vacation.

A Chance To Meet The Disney Characters

One of the main reasons that people choose to cruise with Disney is to meet the many different characters that they know and love. The very first sighting of a Disney character will be when you are getting ready to board the ship. Mickey Mouse comes out to meet and greet his guests in the port terminal. This is the first opportunity to take pictures and get his autograph. You will also spot Mickey plenty of times during your cruise as he makes his way around the ship on the different decks and in the different restaurants accompanied by the very pretty Minnie Mouse.

Other characters that you will get to see up close and personal include Donald Duck and Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Chip n’ Dale as well as the beautiful princesses from all the Disney films.

These are just 3 of the many excellent reasons why people pick a Disney cruise for their vacation. It is a great choice for all the family to enjoy.

3 Excellent Reasons To Go On A Disney Cruise Vacation

What to Look for When Seeking the Best Windows Hosting

Article Source: Web Hosting Services – [Website:]


When choosing the best windows hosting, there are several things you have to keep in mind. The fact is that although windows may be one of the better choices today, not all windows hosting are the same. Following are some tips on how to make your choice.


There are basically two hosting versions from Windows: 2003 and 2008. The 5 year gap in between says a lot when it comes to the efficiency of the system. Obviously, opt for the 2008 version since this has less bugs and better improvements.


This is crucial – you want to make sure that your domain remains safe from third parties and any other programs that might cause you to go offline. Look for a windows hosting system with a security that goes beyond the basic. This is because windows are the most popular option today – making it a target for many. Don’t just settle for garden-variety protection, find a server that delivers the best!


Check out the different features of the Windows hosting service. The beauty of Windows is that it’s versatile like Linux without being too expensive like Mac OS. Keep in mind what kind of settings you’ll be using when choosing features as this varies from one domain to another.


What kind of support can the Windows hosting service provide should you suffer from any problems? This is crucial since you want to experience as little downtime as possible. The hosting service should be available 24 hours a day and accessible through multiple means.


It’s perfectly normal for Windows hosting to suffer from downtime, but it should be as limited as possible! Downtime from your host should be scheduled, mostly for maintenance purposes.

To wrap it up, choosing a Windows hosting service depends largely on what you need. Don’t forget to make comparisons before eventually signing up for a service. If you need more information, please do leave a comment or contact the site admin via the contact page. I will be more than happy to assist with any advice.

What to Look for When Seeking the Best Windows Hosting

How to Select Your Best Domain Names

Article Source: Best Travel Destinations in the World –


Choosing the correct domain names is crucial if you want to get a good ranking in search engines nowadays. Typically, a domain name is considered “good” if it contains the keywords targeted by the company – but recent changes in Google’s algorithm means that this rule is no longer absolute, so what do you do next? In this article, we’ll talk about how to select your best domain names that will rank better than on-the-spot keyword-based websites.

Keywords versus Branding

Keyword-centered domain names typically get better rankings when it comes to searches because they contain the exact phrase other people are using. For example, “NaturalShampoo.Com” can rank high for people who are searching for natural bath products. If you happen to be a seller of different brands of all-natural shampoo, then this domain name would be perfect.

However, recent Google changes have also placed emphasis on branding. This means choosing a domain name that defines your company, regardless of the keyword. Following the original example, “” can be called “” as a branding system. The great thing about marketing for branding is that people are more likely to remember your website – therefore allowing them to come back for more. Generic, keyword-based domains are typically “discovered” after a search engine search.

Choosing a Common Ground

Now the question is – should you opt for a keyword-based domain or a brand-centered one? Studies have shown that it’s possible to find a middle ground wherein you can insert a keyword plus the brand you want to be known for. In the example above, using “Natasha Naturals” may be enough, but other combinations like “Natasha Organic Shampoo” is also an option. This allows you to cover all bases, giving your domain a better chance of surviving against the competition.

Being Different

The great thing about branding is that this makes it easier for you to differentiate yourself against the competition. Domains with the name “DivorceLawyers.Com” would be hard to distinguish from “DivorceAttorneys.Com”, but the name “MartinsFamilyLaw.Com” may offer a more memorable sound. Keep in mind that there is lots of competition out there – hence the need to present something that makes it easier for you to be distinguished.

Are You Local?

If you’re local, it’s usually a good idea to include the name of your serviced area within the domain name. For example, New York Law Firms may use “NYDivorceAttorneys.Com” as their domain name to get more targeted search results. This way, only the people located in New York City can actually seek out their company.

Get Creative

Single word domains are practically useless. In order for you to fully grab the attention of the target market as well as search engines would be to opt for multi-worded domains. Around 2 to 4 would be good, giving you enough creative license for the task. Note though that words themselves should be kept short, using only a handful of characters if necessary. Studies show that the best domain names typically have 9 characters but considering the competition, this might be too little. Around 15 might still work, but the rule here is: less is more. Some domains also try combining two different words, creating a brand new one that makes them stand out from the rest.

Make it Easy to Say

Avoid domain names with numbers or characters since this can cause confusion for most users. You need something that can be easily spread by word of mouth and therefore doesn’t require any visual explanations on how to type the domain in the address bar. Don’t forget that the ease of typing out the domain name also counts. Ideally, letters like “z, y, q, x” should be avoided because they’re not something people normally type into the keyboard. Of course, some companies use these very letters to bring forth an “edgy” feel for their domain. At the end of the day, this really depends on the kind of product/service you’re selling.

Do Research

Of course, don’t forget to do some basic research when it comes to domains. The goal is to find keywords that are being searched by the target market but not too much that there’s excessive competition over it. There are currently numerous tools that can help you with this, Google AdWords being one of the top few.

Dot Com

The “.com” domain ending is usually best because this is what many users have gotten used to. In fact, searchers usually end domain names with “.com” believing that it’s the only type there is. Hence, as much as possible, opt for a “.com” name – unless of course, you’re targeting a very specific area or servicing a targeted market. Some businesses catering within the UK utilize the “” ending which ensures that their target market finds them.


This is crucial – you don’t want your domain killed just because you had no idea something else along the same lines already existed. Use Copyright.Gov to check the legibility of your domain name choice before buying. This way, you can build your domain as much as you want without worrying about any repercussions.

Seek Help

By ‘help’, we mean finding websites that can make it easier for you to find, mix, and match different words to make a catchy sounding domain name. There are actually lots of those today including NameStation, Domain Pigeon, DomainR, and DomainTyper. All of these can help you find other domains and see if your current favorite has already been used and which domains are still available.

Buy Domains

You can also try buying expired domains – many of them are currently available and may fall within your favored parameters. The beauty of old domains is that they’ve already been recognized by search engines, making it easier for you to climb the rank. Links and various other SEO strategies may already be done with the website so you won’t be starting from scratch.

Of course, those are just few of the techniques used on how to select your best domain names. It’s important to note that domain names are just one aspect of building an excellent, profitable website. The content of said domain, the updates, the back links, and various other elements are also taken into account when it comes to ranking.

How to Select Your Best Domain Names

Best Minneapolis Restaus and Bistros

Article Source: Best Travel Destinations in the World –


It never hurts to give taste buds a little extra adventure…especially in places with world-renowned restaurants like Minneapolis.

Simply walking around town can fill your eyes with flashy names and design of bistros and restaurants offering eclectic mouthwatering cuisines that can surely mark the greatest Minneapolis experience. Without prior knowledge on which establishments can well satisfy a rumbling stomach, it is easy to drown into the wide breath of options for dining.

Then again, looking for the best restaurants in Minneapolis and reservation arrangements would make the selection a breeze. Looking through the pages of travel and tour magazines can give a heads up in the most amiable bistros, while browsing through the pages from the web can offer a more convenient search. But whichever option foodies pick, experts seem to arrive on an agreement when it comes to the best diners in Minneapolis.

The top picks include:

112 Eatery – located at the Warehouse District and continues to reel in younger customers who are in for the unlikely mix of flavors. Chef Isaac Baker fills up the gamut of main dishes that range from nori-wrapped sirloin with ponzu to tagliatelle with foie gras meatballs and sea urchin risotto. If these cuisines sound a bit too exotic and unfamiliar, it is best indulge into something more mainstream like their signature cheeseburger – something a bit linear but still brings tasty surprises.

Vincent – A Restaurant – Mini foodies can opt for something more sophisticated and classy such as Vincent. Alongside the luxurious wooden chairs and elegant interior, one can enjoy the scrumptious dishes that adopt the classic taste of French cuisines fused with a dash of American twist. Penne pasta with shrimps in tomato and thyme with side dishes like croquet monsieur are the best sellers of the restaurants. Worry not about the price because the expensive appeal lies solely on the design. Menu of this bistro actually feature three courses meal for as low as $30 from Mondays to Thursdays.

Cosmos – the design of the Graves 601 can be accounted for the sleek and sexy interior of the Cosmos. But amidst the minimalist appeal of the modern and cool clean low-profile lines of the restaurant, drool-worthy dinner menu shines the most. The gamut of choices includes the popular vanilla-butter poached lobster with sweet onion curry and celery root tart.

Origami – Asian cuisines are never out of sight amongst places that claim to have the best dishes on earth. This Japanese restaurant is then seen as a treasure found in the busy Warehouse District, much like an oasis at the middle of a very dry desert. And why not? The menu includes amazingly fresh yose-nabe and a pool of sea foods and vegetables. Meat lovers would also love the unique touch of Asian flavor in pork and chicken cuisines – something that’s unexpected from a highly urbanized location.

Whichever kind of food you crave, Minneapolis certainly has it. Walk around and have an escapade with kaleidoscope of flavours and tastes. No one would sure be disappointed with the ubiquitous delish options in town.

Best Minneapolis Restaus and Bistros

Top 10 Exotic Fashion Destinations

Stash your apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur in your suitcase, and you’re ready to go on an exciting trip to fashion-dom.

But hold your clacking stiletto heels, ladies. For many years, Milan, New York, Paris and London may have been the ultimate fashion capitals, but obscure destinations have recently claimed the spotlight. You may be surprised to find these exotic spots hogging the space of your bucket list.

These top 10 style inspiration havens can turn travel runways into chic catwalks.

#1 Johannesburg

Following Africa’s fame as the World Cup Host in 2010, Johannesburg earned attention and interest, not only from travelogue savants but also from the global fashion police. It is safe to say that the games helped introduce African culture to the rest of the world, which eventually found its way to music, art, food…and fashion.

Proof? In summer of 2011, the fashion scene was laden with explosion of colors, patterns and accessories – most of which were reflective of Africa. Johannesburg has since produced talented fashion designers featured in Fashion Weeks.

#2 Cleveland

Cleveland actually has its own Fashion Week during the first week of May, perfectly timed in between Los Angeles’ and New York’s big events. It was started in 2002 by the Fashion Institute to showcase rising designers from the country.

#3 Beirut

It may used to be an unfamiliar place to fashionistas, but Beirut recently made a buzz as the new exotic hub for style. World-revered haute couturiers Elia Saab and Zuhair Mrad hail from the country. Both received fondness from stylistas during the Milan and Paris Fashion Week, claiming top designer titles from Valentino’s fashion World.

#4 New Delhi

Bollywood made India famous, but it’s the high-quality fabrics, interesting pattern, and to-die-for combination of colors that made New Delhi legendary in a non-fortuitous way. New Delhi textiles found their way to the global catwalk over the last few years, as designers like Manish Aurora star various Fashion Weeks.

#5 Tokyo

More than the “kawaii (means cute)” costumes, Tokyo is the home of popular designers like Junya Watanabe and Rei Kawakubo. This is not surprising as the district is distinguished for its edgy, quirky, sleek, modern and elegant style trend.

#6 Dubai

Shopping in giant malls with world’s famous department stores are all it took for Dubai to make it to top exotic fashion destinations. Plus, Fashion Week is held annually during April 19th to 23rd.

#7 Singapore

Speaking of shopping, Singapore is not to be outdone for their Oscar-worthy designer dresses and other high-fashion items. These are all featured in Singapore Fashion Festival that runs annually from April to May.

#8 Sydney

Don’t skip the home of designer Collette Dinnigan and fashion advocate Danni Minogue. When it’s all about fusion of wearable and avant-garde fashion, Sydney is your best bet.

#9 Toronto

Canada’s largest city is undeniably cosmopolitan and trendy. Fashionistas are thus not aghast when it hosted LG Fashion Week, the second largets event in North America.

#10 Miami

Some of the world’s best architecture and beaches are found in Miami, and its fashion stakes are not running aground. Miami Beach International Fashion week is among the most anticipated events every March as it showcases the biggest Latin American designers. Expect to see a kick off laden with lingerie and swimwear that are nothing but hot hot hot!

Top 10 Exotic Fashion Destinations